PVC benches

Next Level Plast benches are manufactured from durable materials, traditional design and wide color and texture palette will complete any style. It is wise compromise of durability, beauty and efficiency. Benches are made of modern durable material – PVC flank. We offer wide range of plastic benches fitting any yard.

Call us 067 374 27 61 and we will help and provide skilled consultation on this product!

We sell wholesale and at retail. Goods can be both delivered or picked up from plant.


Цвета пластикового профиля жовта зелена

PVC bench flank - colours

Elegya – curved hammed legs bench

Harmonia – casted legs bench

сіра Дуб горіх

Sonata – metal legs bench

Symfonia - curved hammed legs bench

Etiud – metal legs back on bench.

Product features

Nomenclature Lengts,mm Legs, pcs Heights, mm Width, mm
1200 2 900 800
1300 3 900 800
Elegya – curved hammed legs bench 1500 3 900 800
1800 3 900 800
2000 3 900 800
1200 2 750 450
1300 3 750 450
Harmonia – casted legs bench 1500 3 750 450
1800 3 750 450
2000 3 750 450
1500 3 900 800
Sonata – metal legs bench 1800 3 900 800
2000 3 900 800
Adagio - back on 1060 2 850 500
Adagio - back of 1060 2 500 400
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